SEA OF POSSIBILITY — Artist Platform
Documenting the Rejuvenating
Power of the Sea
The sea is La Mer’s forever muse.

Oceans to Oceans is a cultural platform that creates compelling and innovative demonstrations of the sea’s healing energy. Our bespoke Storytelling Workshop informed how and what stories La Mer could create, their cultural and curatorial lens, brand behaviours, and a distinctive body language. This resulted in a powerful brand narrative that fuelled an exciting cultural platform of innovative stories centred on connection and inspiration.

Sea of Possibility, a multi-artist photographic documentary, was the first release and explored how different seas inspired a wave of new possibility.
Fy23 Brand Campaign Wavemakers Ig Carousel Victoria Zschommlervictoria Zschommler Carousel Image 08
Artist curation involved mining art and photographic journals for creators with natural affinity with the sea, unearthing compelling visual diaries from photographers like Nadia Huggins, Josh Olins, Victoria Zschommler, and Todd Glaser.
Fy23 Brand Campaign Wavemakers Ig Carousel Josh Olinsjosh Olins Carousel Image 04Fy23 Brand Campaign Wavemakers Ig Carousel Nadia Hugginsnadia Huggins Carousel Image 06
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